Warming Up: Refreshing Coaching for the New Year
Jan 13, 2025Written by Kristen Butler
The start of a new year brings a chill in the air – it’s time to warm up your instructional coaching strategies to prevent an icy reception! As tech coaches, we have cool tools, but it’s the connections you make with teachers and the impact on student learning that makes our hearts melt. Let’s make technology snow much fun!
🧊 Break the Ice
Teachers are more likely to embrace technology when they see it in action. During professional development sessions and grade-level meetings, I model tools and strategies they can immediately use in their classrooms. Quizizz is a personal favorite tool – and applicable to all grade levels. By presenting professional development while using Quizizz, I help teachers learn the platform while expanding their professional knowledge and aligning to the school improvement plan – a true win-win!
❄️ PD that sticks like a snowflake
Traditional, hour-long workshops and meetings can freeze enthusiasm. Instead, I offer quick, focused micro-PD sessions that target a single tool or strategy. PD In a Bag works so well – provide teachers all the resources they need to learn a new tool, platform, or even have an asynchronous conversation about a technology idea. Sometimes I’ll even include a snack! By completing the activities on their own time, teachers can earn PD hours within their own schedule. Find some time for follow up to see the tools in action! Check out this blog post for inspiration!
🍵 Warm up with follow up
One-size-fits-all rarely works for technology integration. I start by meeting teachers where they are, whether they’re tech enthusiasts or tech novices. When coaching or providing support, I always keep a technology matrix available, or at least in my mind. By personalizing support with teachers, I am able to meet them where they are – models of support can vary from team teaching, modeling, live coaching or supportive teaching. There are many examples, but here is a great one.
🌟 Let it Glow
Nothing motivates teachers like seeing the impact their peers are making-who doesn’t love a shout out! In my buildings, we regularly share successes and stories via email. Sharing pictures, videos and ideas helps to build a community of collaboration. One caveat – I schedule emails for times that teachers are more likely to see them. Check out Allyson Aspey’s “Leading the Whole Teacher” if you need tips on controlling email.
As the winter chill sets in, don’t let your coaching strategies ice over! Warm up your connections and coaching strategies to make a lasting impact on student learning and engagement. We as coaches can make a flurry of impact and wipe out those winter blues!
Kristen Butler is an instructional technology coach at two elementary schools in Norfolk, VA. A veteran of 20 years, she taught middle school history and loves sharing teacher and student successes with technology. Follow Kristen on X @kristenebutler.
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